Tuesday, 3 July 2012

How does your garden grow?

Good Morning Lovely Readers

My followers list is growing .... but I am not sure who is new. Now this is not quite as daft as it sounds and I don't think I have lost the plot (yet). If you have an image with your profile, you automatically get added at the front of the list. However, if you don't you are given a grey head and put at the back... that isn't very nice is it! Anyway. I know 2 wonderful readers have joined me, but I don't know who you are. so please leave a comment to say 'Hi' so that I can welcome you properly and if you have a blog then please do let me know so that I can follow you too. I did find a lovely blog this week - all through a comment left on mine.... if you have a chance, pop along and have a look at Chy at http://cottagebriarrose.blogspot.co.uk/ - she is well worth a visit!

Now for serious things!  We finally got around to sorting out  our wonderful wilderness garden. Actually, I should say that we have started ... it is very much a work-in-progress!
Do you remember this?

This was the remains of last year's vegetable container garden. Oh dear!  Well, Mr Thrifty dug it over and now it looks like this:
We think it would be too difficult to try and remove this tree trunk, but we are going to lay plastic sheeting and then cover it in wood chips. It should look better.

Meanwhile, I have been busy planting seeds and transplanting small plants into pots...

I have also tackled the pots and containers which were looking very sorry for themselves..

As you can see I adore geraniums - they are one of the few plants I can actually smell.
The lawn still needs tackling but with the mower still broken that is going to take a while. Parts have been strimmed but we are keen to leave it a little wild in places to enjoy these beautiful daisies:

I think this looks gorgeous, but as you can see, very much a work in progress.

What does your dream garden look like? I think mine would be a little like Elaine's from Pear Tree Log http://applebeesatpeartree.blogspot.co.uk/ - have you seen it?

Have a great day
Love Mrs Thrifty


  1. You'll find that if you hover your mouse over the 'blank faces' you get their names, so at least you know who they are even if they are 'faceless', if you click on them you also get their contact details sometimes.

    You have lots of work to do in the last picture but I do agree it does look pretty, very 'wildflower meadow like.

    Have you ever though of making a raised bed next to the tree stump, simply nailing boards in a square in front of the fence, it only has to be a couple of inches deep and then planting your veggies directly into the ground. The soil from the pots would help fill it, with maybe just another bag of compost to top it up.

    Sue xx

  2. Brilliant - that's exactly what I'll do. In fact, there is an old pallet at the end of the garden and I'll get #3 out of bed and onto it - he likes 'making' stuff. Thanks Sue - you are a star xx

  3. Daisies are my very favorite flower of all, I wouldn't change a thing!!

  4. I like to a 'wild' bit in the garden if space allows.

    We've lived here 16 years and my garden seems to change every couple of years.. I have the photo's to prove it..lol One day I will be happy with it and just have to weed, prune, etc and admire instead of all the moving, building, moving, building.. you get the picture..lol I have a picture in my head of how I want it to look but can't quite get there yet..

    Julie xx

    1. I know Julie - it's hard to stay still isn't it xx

  5. ARNOLD would approve of your pots!
    Jane x

    1. Ha ha - I had completely forgotten Arnold Jane - thanks for the reminder and I have told Mr Thrifty all about him xx

  6. I agree. I do think it unfair if one doesn't have a picture they are sent to the back of the line. I love to go over and say welcome, but sometimes cannot find a link. I loved checking in and browsing the sites you suggested. Happy gardening. Bonnie

  7. I love the 'wild' part in your garden, the daisies are so pretty. I'm a big Geranium fan too. x

    1. I can't wait for them to bloom so that we get that big splash of red! I think the daisies are great and now I can't bear to mow them xx

  8. Lovely photos! I added myself as a follower yesterday but I can see you are following me now! I assume that means you received my blog info.? I'm hoping I don't show up as an anonymous picture at the end of the line.

    1. I think you did Deborah - I don't know why but I found you anyway and went to have a look at your lovely blog xx

  9. Your container garden is coming along nicely, and I love the wild part of your garden with the daisies :)
    Happy gardening!

  10. I love your wild flower meadow and I was just about to tell you so, when my eye suddenly caught sight of my name... Mrs Thrifty - you are too kind, and I am blushing. xxx

    1. Thank you Elaine and I mean it - your garden looks divine xx

  11. Our garden is doing OK this year. I have some tomatoes and zucchini coming, probably, next week but my beans are really struggling this year for some reason. Last year I had tons of beans but this time around I tried the new seeds and I'm not impressed :(

    1. Tomatoes and zucchini (courgettes) sound great - a lovely ratatouille - yum xx

  12. hello
    love your container garden.....so many veggies . i grow tomatoes,peppers and eggplants in bucket.love your wild flower meadow! love your blog.
    have a nice evening,

    1. Thank you Regina - I found your blog too which is quite delightful xx

  13. Your "meadow look" does love lovely. Argggg our lawn tractor is still not fixed, so you know what that means? Good idea about the raised garden; I would decorate the stump with this and that, along with a potted arrangement of annuals? Don't overdo yourself all at once, it is always a work in progress ! xxx

    1. Oh dear and you have a huge garden! Thank you Cindy and what a great idea - should I do a post on ideas for the stump? That would be funny - I wonder what people would come up with - I would have just tried to ignore it but your idea is so much better and thank you too for your thoughts about taking it slowly - I will xx

  14. I really like the wild flower/grass bit in your garden with the daisies..
    All the potted plants are looking good, I hope you get a good harvest off the veggies :) I grow quite a bit in pots as well..though this year they are a bit behind due to not as much sunshine (some were lost as well to the pesky snails :P).
    Have a lovely day today, I am your newest follower :)
    Magie x

    1. Thank you for joining me Magie and for your lovely comments. I do a dusk snail patrol! xx

  15. It looks fabulous - I love the wild daisies too! We just borrowed a scythe from our neighbour to cut through the trails in the 10 acre meadow ... it's fantastic and cost efficient too!
    Have a wonderful day today ... it's 40 Celsius here and humid!
    Ruthie x

    1. I have less than an acre and can't seem to stay on top - I don't know what I'd do with 10!!! lol xx


Thank you for commenting - I do enjoy reading them xx