Friday, 3 February 2012

Keep smiling through.

Today it is extremely cold here. It is snowing outside and inside we have no boiler and so no heating. Mr Thrifty told me about an hour ago that we have run out of logs. Last weekend we had three flooded floors and this week has been challenging at school. Why do we sometimes have to walk through challenges? They say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and as I sit here surrounded by three hot water bottles, I find myself wondering. The boiler man should be here in the morning and we certainly won't die of cold. I teach a delightful 15 year old Russian boy who was talking to me today of the -40 degree temperatures in Russia right now. As a child he had frostbite and fully recovered and here I am having a little whinge about -3 degrees. We had some Tesco vouchers left for Prezzos and so we took Numbers 3 and 4 out to eat. It cost us nothing and we had a lovely meal. That was a blessing and I have to remind myself that I am blessed indeed in a way that boilers and floods and life's ups and downs can't change. 

I remember my Dad singing "When you're smiling, when you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you...." I am sure you know the song. So, in spite of the cold, I will smile and I will remember to count my blessings. Plus, it is now the weekend and I can SEW and CROCHET - hurrrah!!! 

Wishing you all a warm and blessed night xxx


  1. Hope your heat gets fixed fast!! You are so right we forget how lucky we really are sometimes. Looking forward to seeing your creations after a weekend of fun!!

  2. Thankyou for reminding me that we do have so much to be thankful for - I have just been writing in my gratitude journal. That little Russian boy sounds interesting.

  3. Heating engineer coming tomorrow! Hurrah! He is Betty. I teach a variety of Eastern European students (Russian, Lithuanian, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian) and without exception they are hard-working studious and polite - an absolute delight to have in the classroom.

  4. So hope you get that boiler fixed, what a time for it to stop working!

    Yes, -40 is so temperature! Brrrr!

    Hope things pick up and school.

    Your positive attitude helps you win through.


    Sft x


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